Religion in Politics

GOP secretary of state candidate prays that God’s angels will ‘burn up’ fraudulent ballots

In a recent video, GOP candidate for Secretary of State Rachel Hamm called on her fans to say a prayer to God to ensure that there will be no voter fraud in the upcoming June primary.

“Let’s pray,” she says at the outset of the video.

“Let’s pray that if they steal votes in [voting machines], the votes are flipped back,” she continued. “Let’s pray that if they create fraudulent ballots, they’re incinerated. Let’s ask the angels to go burn ’em up. No fake ballots!”

“Any attempt, any of the one thousand ways they are attempting to cheat, let’s pray that it doesn’t work — that their scheme to cheat and to steal fall back on their own head and that they are unsuccessful. Would you agree with me and pray that?”

She went to say that “these are weird times, and we’re at war, and it’s a weird war.”

“But one of the ways I think we’re gonna win this war is through praying prayers like this.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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