John Dean, who was White House counsel for Richard Nixon during the Watergate era, is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee this Monday — a prospect that has Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) a little out of sorts as evidenced by a Fox News segment this Monday morning.
As ThinkProgress points out, Special Counsel Robert Mueller documented at least 1o instances of obstruction committed by Trump — instances that he then handed off to Congress to investigate. But according to Hawley, the Watergate precedent is irrelevant because Watergate took place over 40 years ago.
Hawley started about by describing Monday’s hearings, titled Lessons from the Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes, as a “ridiculous” waste of time and a way to “distract” from things such as border security.
“Talk about living in the past,” he said.
“The Democrats want to talk about Watergate? I mean this happened before I was born,” he added. “This is a total waste of time.”
“We were just talking about the Southern border,” he continued. “We need to be working on securing the border, getting prescription drug costs down, and instead they’re calling Watergate-era figures? I mean, it’s just ridiculous.”
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