A gun used in last month’s Paris terror attacks has been traced back to a Florida arms dealer who, oddly enough, was implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal some 30 years ago.
Michael Sucher, the owner of Century International Arms in Delray Beach, reportedly sold a M92 semi-automatic pistol, who’s serial number was linked to the deadly Nov. 13 terrorist attacks, to Zastava arms factory in May 2013.
However, it is still unclear how the weapon got into the shooter’s hands. The owner of the Zastava arms factory in Serbia that delivered the rifle to Century Arms said his company did not sell weapons to terrorists.
“Here’s where the weapons ended, there’s the data,” said Milojko Brzakovic, an arms dealer who familiar with the company. “Zastava cannot be blamed for where it went afterward. Wherever there are wars, there are bigger possibilities for abuse and to hide the channels for guns [and] they end up where they shouldn’t.”
The Palm Beach Post attempted to contact Sucher Thursday, but were not able to reach the gun supplier.
A former police officer and longtime employee of Sucher, John Rugg, testified before a U.S. Senate committee in 1987 that the company had supplied rockets, grenades and other weapons to Nicaraguan rebels as part of the Iran-Contra scandal.
Century Arms buys and sells military-grade surplus guns specializing in buying weapons from overseas and reselling them to local dealers throughout the nation. Sucher’s company is considered one of the largest arms dealers in the U.S and also holds a federal firearms license in Georgia, Vermont, to import large-caliber weapons and armor-piercing ammunition.
In 2011, WikiLeaks reported that Century Arms has prospered from trading pistols, sniper rifles and assault weapons and sometimes with the help of “unauthorized brokers.”
According to the report, that same year that WASR-10 rifles manufactured for Century Arms in Romania had become a favorite of Mexican drug cartels.
[Raw Story] Featured image via America Gun