Podcaster Joe Oltmann has made a name for himself in the right-wing cult that believes the 2020 presidential election was stolen. He’s certain that pretty soon “we’ll have gallows being built all over the country,” so he and his ilk “can take care of all these traitors to our nation.”
As The Washington Post pointed out last year, Oltmann, who claims he has personal knowledge that the 2020 election was rigged thanks to mass voter fraud, now leads an influential and growing political movement in Colorado that is causing headaches for the Republican Party.
Oltmann’s crusade of false claims has led to multiple defamation suits being filed against him. But thanks to one of the lawsuits, he may been committing voter fraud of his own.
“It’s either that or he’s committed perjury, according to several public records,” reports the Colorado Times Recorder.
The Recorder says that on Aug. 6, 2021, Oltmann said in court that he is not a resident of Colorado. A year later, he reiterated that claim in court, saying he “ceased to be a resident” of the state, and while he conducts business in Colorado, he “does not reside here.”
However, Oltmann has been voting in Colorado elections.
From the Colorado Times Recorder: Records indicate Oltmann voted in Colorado in the 2021 election, and the 2022 primary and general elections, all of which took place well after he says he moved out of state. He voted by mail in 2021 and for the primary in 2022, before voting in person in Douglas County on Election Day 2022. Additional court records confirm this disparity. In a Dec. 16 deposition, Oltmann confirmed both that he stopped being a Colorado resident in August, 2021, and that he voted in Douglas County on Election Day last year.
According to Colorado state law, if a person moves to any other state with the intention of making it a permanent residence, “that person is considered to have lost Colorado residence after twenty-two days’ absence from this state unless the person has evidenced an intent to retain a residence in this state by a self-affirmation executed pursuant to section 1-7.5-107(3) (b.5).”
Read the full report over at the Colorado Times Recorder.