Here are 21 of the most bizarre creatures on earth

1. White Dragon King Crown Beta fish. creat 1
2. Cocoon of the Metallic Mechanitis butterfly from Costa Rica. creat 2
3. Emei Moustache Toad. creat 3
4. Red-Eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas). creat 4
5. Cordylus Cataphractus apparently chasing its own tail. creat 5
6. Scanning electron micrograph of a maggot. creat 6
7. Desert Rain Frog. creat 7
8. Dumbo Octopus belonging to the genus Grimpoteuthis. creat 8
9. Basking Shark. creat 9
10. Baby Stingray. creat 10
11. The Waterwheel Plant, which is an aquatic carnivorous plantcreat 11
12. Leaf-Tailed Gecko, better known as SATAN. creat 12
13. Pink Katydid. creat 14 a
14. Blue Dragon Sea Slug. creat 15
15. Lesser Batwing. creat 16
16. Australian Goliath Stick Insect. creat 17
17. Green Toerako. creat 18
18. Royal Starfish. creat 19
19. Harpy Eagle. creat 20
20. Indian Bullfrog. creat 21
21. The Northern Royal Flycatcher. creat 22 h/t: ScienceDump

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