
Inside source reveals right wing crusader Brent Bozell forces an underling to write all his columns and books

Brent Bozell, the founder of the far-right Media Research Center and longtime crusader against feminists, secularists, and anything gay, was recently exposed for forcing an underling to write all his columns and books, without attributing him any credit.

In the wake of the revelation, an Iowa newspaper has decided to drop Bozell’s column – without a single protest from any reader, according to Talking Points Memo.

Last Thursday, media watchdog Jim Romenesko revealed that Bozell’s columns and books were entirely written by MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham.

“The conservative Media Research Center often urges liberal news outlets to TELL THE TRUTH, but the [Media Research Center] isn’t telling the truth about its own leader: Brent Bozell doesn’t write the syndicated column that appears under his byline,” Romenesko wrote.

The whistle was blown by a source within the MRC who still remains anonymous, telling Romenesko via email that Graham is the author “of almost everything published under [Bozell’s] name.”

“That includes his weekly column,” the source continued. “Same goes for his books, which at least carry Graham’s name in a secondary billing, but also aren’t written by Bozell (but Bozell keeps 80-90% of the advance and all profits!).”

Two other people with ties to MRC confirmed that Graham is Bozell’s ghostwriter – and that Graham is not happy with the assignment.

“Tim just resents having to do it,” says a former employee.

Graham’s wife, too, is so angry about the arrangement that she refuses to attend Media Research Center events.

Graham’s name now appears in the byline link of Bozell’s columns on the MRC website, but curiously, his name is cut off:

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The revelation prompted some newspapers to announce that they would only continue to carry Bozell’s column if Graham’s name was credited. But the Iowa-City Times announced that it was dropping the column altogether.

From TPM:

On Wednesday, the newspaper followed up with a note on the response from its readers. “We did not receive one letter or comment protesting our decision or defending Bozell,” the editorial board wrote.



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