The owner of a Rustic Mountain Living rental company has created some outrage on social media after she posted a video on TikTok saying that she not allowing anymore short-term stays because she’s fed up with Black American guests.
“African people stay here, Jamaican people stay here, White people stay here, Spanish people stay here, and I have Black Americans stay here,” the woman who calls herself “The Barefoot Island Lady” says in the video. “I’m not saying that all Black Americans are bad, but the ones that came to my place have been nothing but problems.”
The woman claims that during her time owning the resort, “only two” Black Americans were model guests.
“They’re disrespectful, they’re entitled, they’re unappreciative, and it is that way because America spoiled them and given them so much free sh**, where they think they can come to Jamaica and get the same free sh** from here and be nasty about it.”
“I’m not saying all of you are like that,” the woman clarifies. “But because of that, I’m not risking my health and my happiness for people. No short term stay … My place is drama free.”
@rusticmountainliving FULL Explanation of Why There’s No More Shorterm Stay! #comedy #cali #la #life #happy #Love #BarefootIslandLady #rusticmountainliving #foryou #fypシ #jamaica #uk #america #germany #australia #china #asia
Unsurprisingly, the woman was attacked on social media by people who say she’s just regurgitating old fashion racism.
“white people in america have convinced the world that Black people in america are entitled and ask for free stuff because we requested equity and the (still) unpaid debt of hundreds of years of enslavement,” one Twitter user wrote in response to her video. “it’s not even offensive looking at stuff like this it’s comical.”
“Black Americans are the highest tourism spenders to the Caribbean,” another user wrote. “We can just be sure to not spend with her.”
In a subsequent video, the woman acknowledge the backlash her video caused, but said she wasn’t backing down.
“I’m getting so much bad comments about this video,” the woman says, later adding, “I’m not sorry.”
“I will post that video one hundred more times … You can’t bully somebody into what you want them to say. It’s freedom of speech, I can say how I feel, I’m entitled to it.”