
Jared Kushner used a private email account to conduct government business

White House senior adviser and son-in-law to the president Jared Kushner has used a private email account to correspond with other White Officials.

According to a breaking news report from POLITICO’s Josh Dawsey, White House senior adviser and son-in-law to the president Jared Kushner has used a private email account to correspond with other White Officials during his time in the Trump administration. The revelation adds to a larger pattern of Trump administration aides using personal email accounts for government business.

Kushner reportedly uses his private email account along with his official White House email account to discuss topics such as “media coverage, event planning and other subjects.”

Kushner had the accounts set up in the wake of a divisive campaign where Trump routinely slammed rival Hillary Clinton for using a private email account to conduct government business while she was Secretary of State. In the report, Dawsey is careful to point out that there is no evidence to suggest that Kushner “shared any sensitive or classified material on his private account, or that he relies on his private email account more than his official White House account to conduct government business. Aides say he prefers to call or text over using email.”


Still, Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records. At the time, Kushner — who served as a senior campaign adviser — was expected to be named to a White House role, while Ivanka Trump was publicly saying she didn’t plan to work in her father’s administration.

People familiar with the account say it was primarily set up for Kushner’s personal communications, but he has used it to communicate with acquaintances outside the White House about matters relating to Trump and the administration, according to people who have received messages, as well as with his White House colleagues.

Ivanka Trump, who is an assistant to her father, used the same email account on the same domain according to POLITICO.

Private email traffic among White House aides — some of it sent between personal email accounts rather than to or from government addresses — could skirt the requirements of the Presidential Records Act, which requires all documents related to the president’s personal and political activities to be archived. Trump himself is not known to use email but occasionally has email messages to his assistant printed and presented to him.

Use of personal email accounts in the White House since Trump was inaugurated has been somewhat common, even after the Trump campaign’s hysteria over Clinton’s email practices. As he campaigned, Trump frequently led crowds in chants of “lock her up” in reference to Clinton.

Featured image via Flickr

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