Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League have condemned Glenn Beck for depicting New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg as giving a Nazi salute during a speech Beck gave at the National Rifle Association’s 2013 convention.
As beck was criticizing Bloomberg for his recent proposed initiatives, he showed an image depicting Bloomberg with his arm raised in a Nazi salute and wearing an armband.
In a report from ABC News this Tuesday, Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League said that Beck’s actions “aroused criticism by a major Jewish group for depicting the mayor giving a Nazi salute.”
“While he doesn’t say it, it seems Glenn Beck is implying through an image of Mayor Bloomberg in an apparent Hitlerian salute is that the mayor’s policies on gun ownership and other issues are turning New York city into a Nazi-like state. That suggestion is outrageous, insensitive and deeply offensive on so many levels […] Glenn Beck should know better. He has drawn similar inappropriate analogies to the Holocaust before. We wish he would stop trivializing the history of the Holocaust to score partisan political points.”
In a rather unconvincing defense on his radio show, Beck claimed that he was the victim of a smear by ABC News, demanding an apology. In a somewhat incoherent defense of the Bloomberg image, Beck said that it was actually an image of Lenin, not a Nazi — although he admitted that the pose was “a sieg heil salute.”
Furthermore, a statement from the National Jewish Democratic Council called on the NRA and GOP leaders to condemn Beck’s antics:
“Glenn Beck’s use of disgusting imagery, showing a leading Jewish American as a Nazi, at the National Rifle Association’s convention was deeply offensive. The NRA and Republican leaders must stand with the ADL and B’nai B’rith in condemning Glenn Beck–especially those who selected him to give the NRA’s keynote address. This isn’t only about what Beck said, but the disturbing fact that his stunt was embraced with applause and cheers by attendees at the NRA’s national convention. The NRA’s crowd is the Republican base and all Americans must take note.”
Listen to Beck’s comments on his radio show in the video below.
Bob Cull
May 7, 2013 at 8:03 pm
The better question would be; Where the hell does Beck get his news and history? Since when has any liberal held up Lenin, Stalin or Mao as a hero? This guy just gets nuttier as the days pass.
Paul Clark
May 7, 2013 at 10:11 pm
Something needs to be done about these whack jobs , they get crazier by the day.
Occupy Wallstreet
May 8, 2013 at 2:30 am
A rather facile counter to a rather trivial analogy. You can attack Beck on better issues than his attack on the soda ban and calling Bloomberg a Nazi. I’d like to see something efficacious when I click on a provocative link. Waste of time.
Pingback: Jewish Groups Call on NRA to Condemn Glenn Beck...
Raymond Rose
June 7, 2013 at 6:40 am
I disagree with ” Occupy Wallstreet “. ANY newspost that shows a HATEFUL man HATING is NECCESSARY, in order to keep people aware of his vitriol. Glenn Beck is a HATEFUL man, with NOTHING but hate in his soul. As a JEW, I for one want this man taken DOWN for this.