
Jim Bakker: Buy my coffee buckets and you can trade them for a car when the End Times come

As time goes on, Jim Bakker‘s tactics for selling his Apocalypse-ready food buckets get more and more bizarre. His food buckets are essential if you don’t want to resort to eating your neighbors during the Great Tribulation. Now, he’s revealing that his special brand of coffee packets will come in handy should you find yourself without a car during the End Times.

During The Jim Bakker Show this Monday, the host and End Times prepper devoted an entire segment to pitching his Deluxe Coffee & Creamer Bucket, which he sells for a suspiciously pricey tag of $80. But don’t let the price discourage you — you can potentially turn that $80 into a nice set of wheels should things get desperate.

“God has spoken to us to prepare for what’s coming,” Bakker said in a clip flagged by Right Wing Watch.

“I believe Donald Trump was given by God to give us respite and give us a time of prosperity. But do you think the evil Antichrist spirit is sitting back? They’re fighting tooth and toenail,” Bakker declared.

After warning that plots to kill the president are afoot, Bakker held up one of his coffee buckets and asked, “What do you think that is worth if the sun don’t shine?”

“What will it be worth if the power goes out and there’s no truck’s running [due to an] EMP bomb or whatever they’re talking about for these Last Day events?” he continued.

“This two gallon bucket of packs of coffee, you could trade them for whatsoever you want. You could probably get a new car for one packet of coffee.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

Featured image via screen grab

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