Jim Bakker is ecstatic over President Trump‘s Jerusalem decision. So much so that he’s asking his audience to send thank you notes to Trump for his latest attempt to set the Middle East on fire.
Bakker, like many evangelicals, thinks that Israel having Jerusalem as its capital will hasten the second coming of Christ.
After saying how much Trump “loves to receive letters,” Bakkers wife Lori talked about how Trump’s decision was “the biggest yet” for believers.
“It’s the power behind him, the prayers behind him,” Bakker added.
He then addressed people who don’t think Trump is a “Godly man.”
“Well, I’ll tell you what, he loves prayer, he loves God, he doesn’t want to murder any more babies in our country,” Bakker said. “Come on. Let’s give God a chance and God had him elected and the Bible says he puts up … and puts down the leaders. So we better obey our leaders and live under them in peace.”
Watch the video below via Right Wing Watch:
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