
Joe Scarborough: Trump keeps falling for Barack Obama’s ‘Jedi mind tricks’

In the wake of President Trump‘s interview this Sunday with Fox News, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough took a few jabs, saying Trump’s mouth just gave Democrats another winning narrative.

During Sunday’s interview, Trump took a moment to confirm leaked reports that he’s the one who called the GOP-drafted Senate health bill “mean,” not Barack Obama.

“You didn’t know exactly where Barack Obama went,” Scarborough started out after playing a clip of Trump’s Fox interview. “But if you saw Star Wars, he obviously went to the island where [Luke Skywalker] went. And he’s come back with these extraordinary Jedi mind tricks.

Scarborough pointed out how “everybody’s trying to get [Trump] to admit … that the Russians meddled with our elections, and Barack Obama comes back and says, ‘The Russians meddled in out elections,'” and Trump immediately fired off a tweet echoing the same charge.

“And [Obama] says, ‘Your healthcare plan is mean,’ and [Trump] says, ‘My healthcare plan is mean!’ It’s unbelievable.”

“That is incredible,” he said. “First of all, Republican senators and House members [are] fighting for their political lives, trying to figure out what to do, and just because Donald Trump is so, so crazy and so jealous of Barack Obama, he gets him to admit that the health care bill is mean.”

“That’s my word, I’m the one that said it was mean,” Scarborough said while parodying Trump. “I’m the one that said it would throw seniors out in the street. I’m the one who said young children with pre-existing conditions were going to die. That was me.”

He then referenced Star Wars, saying Trump had fallen for Obama’s “Jedi mind trick.”

“Think how damaging this is,” he continued. “We joke about it, but what is the impact of the President doubling down on the House bill where they had their party in the beer gardens and now he’s saying it’s mean. What’s the impact?”

Scarborough said Trump’s remarks would make a great Democratic campaign ad for 2018.

“How it is he’s going to go and say, you must take this vote on this bill I have denounced as mean — I don’t know how that works,” he said. “It seems like a strange sales pitch.”


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