According to Jon Stewart, conservatives aren’t really interested in a concrete plan to battle the Islamic State – they just want to have tough sounding talking points to rile their base.
“No details, no strategy — just military porn talk,” Stewart said while doing his best impression of Donald Trump. “The president’s gotta go balls deep into ISIS, in every orifice possible all night long until it screams with surrender. Like most things that have spent the night with me, it’ll wish it had never been f*cking born.”
“It’s what the medical community calls MSNBCitis,” Stewart continued. “It’s a condition where one uses facts and research to refute opponents, delivered whilst bespectacled, in a tone suggesting you can’t believe you have to explain this to these f*cking idiots…again. Symptoms include: cancellation.”
Watch The Daily Show segment in the video below, via Comedy Central:

February 25, 2015 at 12:20 am
As usual, Stewart nails the Repugnicants and puts them in their place.
Dorothy Golob
February 25, 2015 at 5:15 pm
We will miss Jon Stewart.
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