
Kentucky tax payers forced to fork over $18 million for creationist’s ‘Ark Encounter’ theme park

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The taxpayers of Kentucky will be forced to put their money towards a creationist theme park built by evolution-denying Christian fundamentalist Ken Ham, who seeks to spread the seed of misinformation to the malleable minds of children.

The Courier-Journal reports that the Kentucky Tourism Development Finance Authority approved the “long-pending” application of the Christian ministry Answers in Genesis for the tax breaks this  Monday.

“A state board restocked last week with new appointees by Gov. Matt Bevin has quietly approved the long-sought tax incentives worth up to $18 million for the controversial Noah’s Ark theme park due to open this summer in Grant County,” the Journal reported.

The Lexington Herald Leader also reported that the tax break “initially was approved by the Kentucky Tourism Development Finance Authority in 2014 under Gov. Steve Beshear’s administration, but it was later canceled after tourism officials learned that the theme park would hire only Christians.”

“Ark Encounter officials sued the state in federal court, saying the state’s decision to withhold the tax break violated its free speech. In January, U.S. District Judge Greg Van Tatenhove ruled that the theme park was eligible to receive the tax incentive, which has neutral requirements that can be met by religious and secular groups alike.”

The project will be dedicated to framing bible myths as science and historical fact, such as the idea that the earth is only 6,000 years old, humans and dinosaurs inhabited the planet at the same time, Noah gathered two of every animal in a boat and survived a flood, etc. The theme park is scheduled to open on July 7, 2016.

“It’s unfortunate that the government is giving tax incentives to an organization that is discriminating against its own citizens,” said Daniel Phelps, a Lexington geologist and president of the Kentucky Paleontological Society, referring to the park’s policy of only hiring Christians.

Watch Answers in Genesis founder Ken Ham in the video below:



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