
Khazr Khan responds to Donald Trump: ‘He is a candidate without a moral compass’

This Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press, Khazr Khan responded to Donald Trump’s comments regarding his speech at the Democratic National Convention last Thursday night, specifically Trump’s suggestion that Khazr’s wife Ghazala Khan didn’t say anything because she wasn’t “allowed.”

Khan’s son, Army Captain Humayun Khan, was killed in 2004 by a suicide bomber. The Khan family are practicing Muslims and were invited to speak at the DNC as an example of patriotic Muslim Americans.

“We have a candidate without a moral compass, without empathy for its citizens,” Khan said of the GOP nominee.

Responding Trump’s remarks about his wife, Khan accused Trump of showing “disrespect.”

“We don’t take these values lightly,” Khan said. “We are testament to the goodness of this country. We experience the goodness of this country every day.”

Also on Sunday, Ghazala Khan penned an op-ed for the Washington Post where she addressed Trump’s criticism.

“Donald Trump has asked why I did not speak at the Democratic convention,” she wrote. “He said he would like to hear from me. Here is my answer to Donald Trump: Because without saying a thing, all the world, all America, felt my pain. I am a Gold Star mother. Whoever saw me felt me in their heart.”

Watch Khazr Khan’s full interview on Meet the Press in the video below:

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