Aside from Alex Jones, reporters for his outlet InfoWars probably have some of the most punchable faces in all of online media. Unfortunately, there’s no video of InfoWars reporters getting punched in the face, but this is the closest we can get for now.
This Wednesday, The Alex Jones Channel uploaded video highlights of reporter Owen Shroyer’s “storied career,” showing a mashup of his on-the-street interviews. One portion of the video shows a young girl doing what should be done to every employee of Jones’ conspiracy-laden race-baiting fake news organization.
Shroyer approached the girl and says, “How are you, young man?”
The girl takes a moment, then looks Shroyer in the face and replies, “Um…you’re a f*cking idiot.”
The context of the video is unclear, but it seems to have taken place at some sort of protest. Some think Shroyer intentionally misgendered the girl to get a reaction, but it’s impossible to tell.
Either way, I love this kid.
Kids telling Infowars they're fucking idiots is my favorite kind of content
— Wild Geerters (@classiclib3ral) September 7, 2017
Twitter loves this kid too:
I want to have a beer with her
— Chili Palmer (@blakethomas2755) September 7, 2017
Reminder that these are the same idiots who apparently hate political correctness and call everyone snowflake.
— sklorbit (@sklorbit) September 7, 2017
that kid is going to be a senator someday
— Rev.Paperboy (@revpaperboy) September 7, 2017
the reporter tryin to be like
— James (@praisegilgamesh) September 7, 2017
This girl's our future President 🇺🇸
— AA (@allisona15) September 7, 2017
She layeth the SmackDown on Infowars! Way to go young lady!!
— KantBserious! (@Patrick29625736) September 7, 2017
The right way to treat conspiracy peddlers 👏🏼👌🏻😂
— Hung Nguyen (@pork_pho) September 7, 2017
I love that child as if she were my own 💜
— Mar (@martrainor) September 7, 2017
That's good parenting.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) September 7, 2017
Featured image via screen grab