The former Rowan County clerk who denied same-sex couples marriages licenses based on her Christian beliefs now must fork over a payment of over $360,000, according to The Hill.
Kim Davis was ordered to pay over $260,000 in fees and expenses to attorneys who represented a same-sex couple who were denied a marriage license by her. The judgement also includes a $100,000 payment she was ordered hand over to the couple after a federal judge ruled she violated their constitutional rights.
Davis’ lawyers argued that the judgement was too much and asked that the payment be reduced by 50 percent. But according to court documents that were released last week, U.S. District Judge David L. Bunning awarded the couple $246,026.40 in attorneys’ fees and $14,058.30 in expenses.
“Plaintiffs not only prevailed, but obtained the result sought. They sought to vindicate their fundamental right to marry and obtain marriage licenses; and they did so,” Bunning said.
In a press release, the Christian law firm representing Davis said they plan to file a motion this month “to reverse the jury verdict” from September that granted the couple $50,000 each.
“This case is far from over. Because of Kim Davis, every clerk in Kentucky now has the freedom to serve as an elected official without compromising their religious convictions and conscience,” Liberty Counsel founder and Chairman Mat Staver said in a statement.
“This case has the potential to extend the same religious freedom protections beyond Kentucky and to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, which was wrongly decided and should be overturned,” he added.