Two years after Kim Davis ended her crusade against gay marriage by way of the Rowan County clerk’s office, a federal judge last month ruled that the state of Kentucky would have to foot the legal bills of the plaintiffs, which totaled more than $200,000. But even though Davis refused to obey the law of the land and issue marriage licenses to gay couples, her lawyer says she’s not to blame.
Appearing on this Thursday’s “Faith and Freedom” radio show Matt Staver of the Liberty Counsel shifted the blame to former governor Steve Beshear, saying he was at fault for not issuing an executive order exempting Davis from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
“If, at the end of the day the state of Kentucky has to pay for attorney’s fees, whose responsibility is that?” Staver said. “It’s not Kim Davis, it’s not Rowan Country, it’s not the current legislative body … it’s certainly not Governor Matt Bevin.”
Davis, who is still the county clerk for Rowan County, became a hero for religious conservatives when she refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples based on her Christian beliefs, after the Supreme Court had already ruled gay marriage to legal. She was briefly jailed for contempt of court as a result.
“It is the former liberal Democratic Gov. Beshear,” he continued. “Had he [provided a religious liberty accommodation to Davis,] this case never would have gone anywhere. Had he done that, Kim Davis never would have spent any time in jail. Had he done that, the ACLU never would have had a case.”
“Because he was so ideologically blinded with the same-sex marriage agenda and he wanted to force Kim Davis down this path, he would not lift a finger to give a religious liberty accommodation,” Staver said. “At the end of the day, worst case scenario, if the commonwealth is ultimately responsible for these fees, it lies at the feet and is the responsibility of the former liberal Gov. Steve Beshear.”
Listen to the audio below, via Right Wing Watch:
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