The Trump Cult

Lauren Boebert’s gun-themed restaurant closes down after landlord yanks her lease

Shooters Grill, the restaurant owned by Colorado GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert, officially closed its doors for good this Sunday, the Post Independent reports.

In June, Boebert was informed by her new landlord that her lease would not be renewed after the property changed ownership. According to a report from The Daily Beast last month, a person familiar with the arrangement “said the property manager felt he had a ‘moral’ imperative to close the business, and had planned to lease the space to another restaurant.” According to The Beast, although the restaurant played a role in defining Boebert’s persona, it was never a financial success. “The restaurant turned in a streak of six-figure annual losses leading up to Boebert’s 2020 election, and struggled to stay above water even after she shot to fame as a MAGA darling,” The Beast reports.

Boebert reportedly tried to negotiate with the landlord, but “there wasn’t really much wiggle room or anywhere to compromise unless we bought the building ourselves,” she said, according to 9News.

“Within the next two hours, I had reporters reaching out to me asking me if this was true and if we were being evicted,” she said. “I said, ‘Well, we’re not being evicted. The lease is not being renewed — that’s a big difference.’”

Boebert says that while it isn’t for certain, she’d like to reopen the restaurant elsewhere. “We would just dramatically scale it back, because, obviously, we’re not in our building,” she said. “It may look like a Shooters coffee shop with pastries and some easy breakfast sandwiches and merchandise.”

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