Look at the brilliant way this artist exposes violent imagery in movie ads

New York-based artist Jon Burgerman does a pretty good job of getting his blog followers to think. By posing next to movie ads in a strategic manner, he brings public awareness to violent imagery in public places in quite a brilliant way.

His process is simple: he takes the pictures in subways, adds the blood digitally, and shares them on his blog. Named “Head Shots,” the ongoing series aims to demonstrate how movie studios blatantly promote violence.

“It’s my belief that through these playful, creative acts, art can act as an agent to change the world by being the catalysis to allow people to change their worlds in really simply ways,” Burgerman said in an interview with Gothamist. “The goal with Head Shots was just to make people look again at and reevaluate the type of imagery we have no choice of avoiding in our public spaces.”

Ironically, the images were rejected by a UK newspaper because they were considered too violent — even though the ads are displayed all throughout the public.


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