The Trump Cult

MAGA pastor: Christians can never abandon Trump because they’re ‘on the side of God’s anointed’

During a recent livestream, Mississippi Christian pastor and diehard Trump fanatic, Shane Vaughn, continued to push one of his favorite preaching themes: the divine, God-given aura that surrounds former President Donald Trump.

“The sovereign hand of God is upon Donald Trump,” Vaughn declared, adding that he’s not sure how long Trump will enjoy God’s blessings. “But right now, the hand of God is upon the man.”

“You cannot touch him, no matter what you do,” he continued. “When there is an anointing on a man’s life, I don’t how that man has messed up, I don’t care how that man has failed, I don’t care his shortcomings — you will never be able to touch him until God is done with him. For all of you who are supporting Donald Trump, I want you to hear me well: you’re on the right side.”

According to Vaughn, Christians who support Trump are “on the side of the anointed of God.”

“And no matter what they feed you everyday, have no fear.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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