A Utah man was caught on video intentionally coughing on Black Lives Matter supporters in a confrontation that took place outside a gas station.
Robert Brissette confronted the protesters after they reportedly chided him for having a Trump 2020 flag on his truck. The video begins after Brissette walked over to the group.
“Black lives don’t matter. All lives matter,” Brissette shouts. “You look like a little pansy-ass piece of s**t. He then begins to cough on the protesters, some of whom tried to punch him in the face.
“Oh, I’m so scared of your little f*****g virus,” he says.
Watch the video below:
Trump supporter in Utah says "Black lives don't matter" & coughs on protesters pic.twitter.com/P012t6EFhL
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) October 14, 2020
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