
Man shows off gun while waiting in store checkout line — shoots himself in the crotch


An Oregon man accidentally shot himself in the groin while showing off his firearm to shoppers waiting in a supermarket checkout line, Newsweek reports.

When cops showed up to McKay’s Market in Lincoln City, they found 29-year-old Nicholas J. Ellingford with a wound to his groin area and leg.

“As Ellingford was placing the firearm back in the front of his pants near the zipper [and] button areas, he accidentally pulled the trigger causing the firearm to discharge,” Sgt. Jeffrey Winn said in a press release.

While no one else was injured in the incident, a criminal investigation is underway.

“Ellingford did not have a concealed handgun license and his act was found to be reckless since it placed several people in danger,” Winn said.

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