
Meghan McCain says Mike Pence is lying about what he knows

During an appearance on Fox News this Tuesday morning, Meghan McCain said that Vice President Mike Pence’s claim that no communication took place between the Trump campaign and Russia was a lie.

During an appearance on Fox News this Tuesday morning, Meghan McCain said that Vice President Mike Pence’s claim that no communication took place between the Trump campaign and Russia was “a lie.”

During the segment, McCain slammed former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, calling him “incompetent” and “one of the worst people to work in politics.”

McCain was responding to panelist and former Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleicher’s analysis that Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with a Russian lawyer was bad judgement, but not “collusion.”

“Right now there’s no ambiguity left,” McCain said. “For a while we had everyone from Donald Trump Jr, Mike Pence, Kellyanne Conway, saying, ‘We’ve had no meetings whatsoever with any Russian government officials’ … Vice President Pence said this — that is now a lie, which is where they’re going to get in trouble.”

“How they let this spin so completely out of control at this point is completely beyond my comprehension,” she added.

“It’s highly unusual for the son or daughter of a candidate to be put in a compromising position because, quite frankly, there are a lot of crazy people out there that want to out them in ethically compromising positions.”

Watch the full segment below, via Fox News:

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