After coming out as “ex-gay,” right-wing provocateur and former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos says he’s planning to open a conversion therapy facility in Florida, the New York Post reports.
Speaking to the Post, Yiannopoulos says the “reparative therapy” clinic is intended “to help other people go through the same journey that I’m on myself.”
So called “conversion therapy” is a widely discredited practice that claims to reverse same-sex attraction in people and has been endorsed by anti-LGBT religious extremists, primarily in evangelical and Catholic circles.
Yiannopoulos says his quest to reverse his homosexuality is an ongoing process.
“‘Ex-gay’ is a silly expression but it has the virtues of slotting into a print headline neatly and absolutely enraging the opposition. Celibacy is a modest and achievable middle term goal; naturally, in the end, my aspiration would be to take it all the way,” he said.
“This has been the easiest thing to raise money for that I’ve ever done. There is an enormous demand for this among people who believe they’ve been led astray by — it sounds silly to call it this — but you know, the gay establishment,” he added.
“I think part of that is the resurgence of religious, socially conservative, kind of reactionary politics among noisy young conservatives,” he continued, adding that he has “people who are kind of like DMing me now” to ask “‘where do I send the f–king check?’ You know, like, get me in your program.”
Yiannopoulos dismissed the practice’s proven harm to gay youth, saying that it’s been misrepresented by people who oppose it.
“Basically, people who don’t believe in it call it ‘conversion therapy,’ and people who do believe in it call it ‘reparative therapy,’” he said.
“For those people to suggest that reparative therapy is somehow damaging to people’s self esteem, is so laughably preposterous, I don’t take it seriously,” he said.
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