
Mitt Romney to CNN: I Wish Hurricane Sandy Hadn’t Hit a Week Before the Election (VIDEO)

In comments that have rekindled questions about his connectedness, Mitt Romney expressed regret that Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on the East Coast — a week before the election.

Speaking in a reflective CNN interview that aired Thursday, Romney lamented that the storm gave President Barack Obama “a chance to be presidential.”

“Obviously a hurricane with a week to go before the election stalled our campaign,” Romney told CNN’s Gloria Borger.

Romney seemed forgiving of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for his public embrace of Obama after Sandy. Romney’s wife, Ann Romney, echoed those sentiments last week, calling Christie a “great guy.”

“I wish the hurricane hadn’t happened when it did because it gave the President a chance to be presidential and to be out showing sympathy for folks. That’s one of the advantages of incumbency,” Romney said. “But you know, you don’t look back and worry about each little thing and how could that have been different. You look forward.”

Listen to his comments in the video below, via Talking Points Memo.



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