
‘Morning Joe’ kicks off Florida governor Rick Scott after he refuses to disavow Trump’s remarks about Muslims

Florida Gov. Rick Scott gave an awkward response to a closed question on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, regarding whether he sided with Republican candidate Donald Trump’s belief that Muslims hate America.

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Florida Gov. Rick Scott gave an awkward response to a closed question on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, regarding whether he sided with Republican candidate Donald Trump‘s recent comments on CNN where he said that Muslims hate America.

Host Joe Scarborough, who is a friend of Scott’s after serving as a U.S. representative from Florida, asked the governor if he would tell Trump to soften his rhetoric about Muslims.

“Would you tell your friend Donald Trump that he should walk back his statements that Muslims — that Islam hates America and Islam hates us?” Scarborough asked.

Scott refused to answer the question and instead said that the federal government should halt “certain refugees” from entering the U.S., because he is “fairly certain that the U.S. government’s not vetting them.”

Scarborough, clearly unsatisfied, interrupted and rephrased the question.

“I want to know what’s going on in your head, governor,” Scarborough said. “We’re friends. Do you personally think that Islam is a religion that hates America?”

Scott avoided the question again, which prompted co-host Mika Brzeninski to “wrap it.”



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