MTG makes false claim about Ukraine: ‘They’re harvesting children’s organs over there’

During a recent appearance on the right-wing Real America’s Voice, Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene regurgitated an unverified rumor about organ trafficking in Ukraine that found its way onto Russian state-funded media, namely that children’s organs are being harvested in the besieged nation.

“And over in Ukraine, Charlie, by the way we haven’t even talked about this, the country that Mitch McConnell and Schumer and Lindsay Graham and Tom Cotton and everybody can’t wait to give another 100 billion dollars to, Ukraine is one of the worst countries on the Earth for child sex trafficking and they’re harvesting children’s organs over there,” she told host Charlie Kirk.

According to a previous report from the Associated Press, “a hacking group aligned with the Kremlin sought to spread rumors that criminal gangs were waiting to harvest the organs of child refugees” in Ukraine.

“The network, known to cybersecurity experts as Ghostwriter, seemingly aimed to sow distrust between Ukraine and Poland. It’s one of several tactics outlined in a new report that outlines how Russia has used disinformation, fear and propaganda alongside bullets, tanks and soldiers in an effort to demoralize Ukraine and divide its allies,” the AP reported.

Sky Palma

Before launching DeadState back in 2012, Sky Palma has been blogging about politics, social issues and religion for over a decade. He lives in Los Angeles and also enjoys Brazilian jiu jitsu, chess, music and art.