
Nick Fuentes: SCOTUS reversal of Roe v Wade is ‘like having Taliban rule in a good way’

During segment on his livestream show, white nationalist and America First founder Nick Fuentes praised the U.S. Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade, saying that the decision had given a boost to his mission to impose his agenda in America, Right Wing Watch reports.

According to Fuentes, “the Jews” had helped to block block the reversal of Roe for too long.

“Now you tell me that this is a Judeo-Christian country,” Fuentes said. “Now you tell me that this is a Judeo-Christian movement. You tell me that it doesn’t matter that you have a lot of these Jewish people in government. Tell me that it doesn’t matter after a decision like this. Tell me that with a straight face; that it doesn’t matter that we had a court that had four Jewish people on it and we subtract one Jewish woman and increase one Catholic woman and now Roe v. Wade is overturned and 100 million Americans will live in states with no abortion because of that change.”

Fuentes then address an opinion from SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas who wrote that the Court must now revist past landmark decisions like the right to contraception and same-sex marriage.

The Supreme Court has a blueprint to revisit all those decisions and say, ‘Guess what — it’s not in there,” he said. “So that means that banning gay marriage is back on the menu, banning sodomy is back on the menu, banning contraceptives is back on the menu, and basically we’re having something like Taliban rule in America, in a good way.”

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