Patrick Johnston, the leader of the conservative anti-abortion group Personhood Ohio, recently announced that his organization is using a rather ironic method of fundraising — by selling assault rifles.
“I’m selling some of my favorite things — some powerful rifles and ammo,” Johnston wrote in an email.
“I’m a firm believer that the Second Amendment protects the future of freedom, but not as much as justice for the pre-born,” Johnston added. “The shedding of innocent blood will bring God’s wrath on the land — and then you can wave freedom goodbye. So protecting Ohio’s children is more important than securing your right to keep and bear arms.”
Three of Johnston’s firearms are posted for sale on his Facebook page. Two of the guns include high-capacity magazines, with one drum that can hold 100 rounds.
Personhood Ohio is pushing to get a “personhood” amendment on the state ballot that would define life as beginning at conception, which would result in a complete abortion ban.
The blog Plunderbound posted a photo of Johnston wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words, “Intolerance.” According to the blog, the back of the T-shirt reads, “Homosexuality is a sin, Islam is a lie, abortion is murder.”