
Ohio Police Chief condemns Terence Crutcher’s killing: ‘I’m sick and tired of cops doing this’

There’s no doubt that the video showing Terence Crutcher’s shooting death at the hands of Tulsa police – as his arms were clearly raised in the air – is stirring outrage all across the ideological spectrum.

Now, according to the New York Daily News, even the Ohio police chief is voicing his disgust on social media.

Chief Rodney Muterspaw didn’t hold back on Tuesday when he posted the following sentiments to his Twitter account:

“As an officer I am so sick and drained of some cops doing things like this. You are making us all look bad. STOP. #TerenceCrutcher

“Life is precious man. Sorry we don’t all agree. Compassion and empathy is eternally important. Just sick of seeing death & hate. #Life

The tweets were shared thousands of times before Muterspaw made his account private.

Footage released by the Ohio Police Department on Monday showed Crutcher, who is 40-years-old, with his hands above his head just before cops opened fire.

The video shows multiple police cruisers approach Crutcher’s vehicle, which appeared to be broken down in the middle of the road. Crutcher is then seen with his hands – both of which appear to be empty — in the air. As he slowly walked toward his vehicle with his hands still raised, Officer Betty Shelby opened fire.

None of the three videos available (from police cars and a fourth from a helicopter) captures the entirety of the interaction between Crutcher and the officers.

But what the videos do show is Crutcher with his hands raised, walking back to the side of his car as Shelby follows with her gun trained on him. Another officer fired his Taser around the same moment that Shelby shot Crutcher.

Speaking to WKRC-TV, Muterspaw said that he has been in similar situations but never needed to resort to using lethal force.

He said he will use the Tulsa shooting as training opportunity.

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