Coal miners deny alcohol led to accident, fellow coal miner screws up that story
From what we’ve been able to garner after watching this video clip and doing a…
This creepy sound coming from Rosetta’s comet is downright terrifying
The Rosetta spacecraft and its Philae lander (or as we like to call it, the…
This video of Super Mario Bros. jacking people up is the best thing you’ll see today
If you’re anywhere between the ages of 25 and 45 years-old, you’re most likely familiar…
Cutest girl ever tells the world that she doesn’t care what people think
If you haven’t see 3 year-old Ava’s Vine videos, you should probably stop what you’re…
This is what happens when people forget to proofread a peer-reviewed academic paper
Most people would agree that just because something is published in a peer-reviewed academic journal,…
He was asked by a co-worker to watch her plant for a few days, then magic happened
Usually when you're going out of town and you ask someone to take care of…
This parakeet mimics the sounds of R2-D2 perfectly and he’s driving his owners nuts
You can die now because after watching this video, you’ll have seen everything there is…
VIDEO: Dominoes Pizza manager FLIPS OUT on a customer: ‘Go f*ck yourself!’
In a video posted to LiveLeak this weekend, a female customer, who is being filmed…
Here are 26 things that have probably never crossed your mind
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.…