Elizabeth Warren Slams GOP Again at Senate Banking Committee Hearing (VIDEO)
Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts harshly criticized Republicans for delaying the confirmation of Richard…
Tennessee Bill Allows Christian Counselors to Reject Gay Students Who Seek Help (VIDEO)
On Monday, the Tennessee state legislature introduced a bill that would allow counselors to discriminate…
Fox Uses Potential Obama Appointee to Resurrect Bogus Charge of Racial Favoritism (VIDEO)
Resurrecting an invented scandal accusing the Obama Administration of taking sides with the New Black…
Televangelist Pat Robertson Claims His Latest Divine Insight Has Come True (VIDEO)
On Monday, Television evangelist Pat Robertson said that a holy vision he had of some…
On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace Grills Paul Ryan on His Desire to Repeal Obamacare (VIDEO)
On this week’s Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace entered into some tough questioning of…
New Planned Parenthood Conspiracy Theory Being Peddled by Texas GOP (VIDEO)
For the past year, Texas has targeted Planned Parenthood by defunding the organization’s affiliates, forcing…
In a Testy Interview, Fox’s Shephard Smith Grills McCain Over His Disdain for Rand Paul (VIDEO)
On the Fox show Studio B this Friday, Shepard Smith grilled Senator John McCain on…
James O’Keefe Ordered to Pay $100,000 to Victim of His False ACORN ‘Exposé’ (VIDEO)
In a report by Wonkette, conservative activist James O'Keefe has agreed to a $100,000 settlement…
Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Introduces New Benghazi Conspiracy Theory (VIDEO)
Regardless of the fact that the survivors of the Benghazi embassy attack were interviewed by…
Glenn Beck Tries to Resuscitate Imaginary ‘Lady Liberty’ Using American Flag as a Tourniquet (VIDEO)
Glenn Beck‘s show last night took a bizarre turn. With language straight from the red-scare…