More Scandals to Come for Catholic Church and Former Pope, Russia Today Guest Claims (VIDEO)
In a report on the English language news channel Russia Today, Keith Porteous Wood of…
NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Issues Yet Another Bizarre Speech at Utah Hunting Expo (VIDEO)
Not too long after a bizarre rant warning the world about potential lawless rioting by…
Diane Feinstein Responds on MSNBC to Wayne LaPierre’s Attack Speech (VIDEO)
California Senator Dianne Feinstein responded forcefully to NRA CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s…
Joe Scarborough Rips Into GOP, Says They Care About ‘Talk Radio Ratings’ Rather Than Winning (VIDEO)
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe this Tuesday, host Joe Scarborough suggested that CPAC’s snub of New…
In 2010 Interview, Christopher Hitchens Slams the Tea Party as the ‘Know-Nothing Isolationist Tradition’ (VIDEO)
Shortly before he succumbed to esophageal cancer in 2011, the journalist, author, and polemicist Christopher…
Links Between Pope’s Resignation and Blackmailed Gay Clergy Are Becoming Stronger (VIDEO)
The Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica has reported that Pope Benedict XVI‘s recent resignation in…
After CPAC Bans Conservative Gay Group, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Turns Down Invitation to Attend (VIDEO)
On MSNBC’s Up with Chris Hayes this Saturday morning, host Chris Hayes provided some commentary…
Lawsuit Brought by Birther Supporters of Sheriff Joe Arpaio is Ignorant of Arizona Law (VIDEO)
In a story by the Associated Press, Birther activist and attorney Larry Klayman’s is threatening…
Televangelist Pat Robertson Attributes New Climate Change Study to ‘Nutty’ PH.D.s (VIDEO)
On Thursday, televangelist Pat Robertson dismissed the strong scientific evidence that large winter storms are…