
Pastor who thinks Trump is a devout Christian calls James Comey a ‘moral hypocrite’

The leader of President Trumps evangelical advisory council has his work cut out for him. Defending Trump with Christian rhetoric isn’t an easy task, unless you’ve willingly altered your perception of reality.

But Pastor Robert Jeffress of Dallas’s First Baptist Church thinks Trump is special and is destined by God to reshape the future of evangelical politics. Anyone, secular or religious, would agree Trump is a moral abomination if they gave a non-political assessment of him. But evangelicals like Jeffress have attached themselves to Trump like Scientologists to L. Ron Hubbard, with militant loyalty and scorched earth defenses of his conduct.

For example, just one day after Trump his “shithole” remark regarding immigrants from certain countries, Jeffress gave a statement to the pro-Trump Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), saying that despite his profanity, “President Trump is right on target with his sentiment.”

“As individual Christians, we have a biblical responsibility to place the needs of others above out own, but as Commander-in-Chief, President Trump has the constitutional responsibility to place the interests of out nation above the needs of other countries,” Jefress’s statement read. “I’m grateful we have a president like Donald Trump who clearly understands that distinction and has the courage to protect the well-being of our nation.”

That’s a lot of words just to shore up a man who doesn’t care much for brown people.

If Jeffress can reserve those accolades for a man who’s cheated on his multiples wives, paid hush money to a porn star, lies pathologically, and openly bragged about his penchant for sexual assault, you’d think he’d cut some slack for a man like former FBI Director James Comey. Not a chance.

During an appearance with Lou Dobbs on Fox Business, Jeffress was asked about what he thinks of Comey’s current book tour.

“James Comey is the poster boy for sanctimonious moral hypocrisy,” Jeffress said.

“Here you have a guy who accuses the President of being morally unfit to be president because he lies, and in the very same broadcast, Comey says that he himself is flawed. We know that he has lied and he has leaked. I think about Jesus’ words, Lou, when he said, ‘Before you try to take the speck out of somebody else’s eye, you ought to remove the board sticking out of your own eye.'”

Trump has made a career of pointing out the specks in the eyes of others while planks protrude from his own, but don’t expect a militant soldier like Jeffress to see that contradiction.

Watch the segment in the video below, via Jeffress’ Twitter account:

Featured image via screen grab

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