
Pat Robertson declares a ‘wall of protection’ around his TV station from Hurricane Florence

During a prayer service televised on his Christian Broadcasting Network this Monday, televangelist Pat Robertson took a page out of the biblical book of Mark and called upon an encroaching hurricane to be still.

Robertson recounted how back in his early days as an evangelist in Virginia, his network was threatened by another storm, Hurricane Esther. To counter the hurricane, Robertson said he and his staff gathered in prayer and miraculously caused the hurricane to shift course. Now with Hurricane Florence approaching, Robertson wants to repeat the same feat.

“I don’t want that thing to come in,” Robertson said in a video flagged by Right Wing Watch.

“I don’t want it to hurt CBN, I don’t want it to tear up the beautiful campus,” Robertson said. “I don’t want it to tear these trees down, I don’t want to see any damage, I don’t want a bunch of glass flowing, and I don’t want [damage] all over this area that is counting on us to pray for them.”

Calling on the name of Jesus, Robertson then ordered the hurricane to direct itself away from his broadcasting facilities.

“In the name of Jesus!” he shouted. “You Hurricane Florence, the name of Jesus, and we command the storm to cease its forward motion and go harmlessly into the Atlantic. Go up north and away from land and veer off, in the name of Jesus!”

“We declare in the name of the Lord that you shall go no farther, you shall do no damage in this area,” Robertson prayed. “We declare a shield of protection all over Tidewater and we declare a shield of protection over those innocent people in the path of this hurricane. In Jesus’ holy name, be out to sea!”

Robertson concluded by telling the audience that “we will live to mark this day and say, ‘I remember, I was there, and when we saw that Hurricane Florence averted, we’re gonna believe God.’ And Jesus said when you speak to the mountain and you don’t doubt in your heart, it will do the thing that you command it to do.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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