
Popular ‘mommy blogger’ allegedly made her child sick on purpose for attention

A member of the internet’s mommy cult allegedly injected her 9-year-old daughter with urine with a hypodermic needle.

Mommy bloggers are a strange breed. Some people might argue that they are helpful to new parents, that they are simply trying to make navigating the often confusing and frightening world of parenthood easier.

However, in my mind at least, it seems to have bred a modern Super Mom culture that really just encourages attention-seeking behavior and an incredible amount of judgement against those who don’t devote their entire identities to being parents, not to mention the sense of entitlement it enables.

Then there’s mommy bloggers like this.

An unidentified member of the internet’s mommy cult allegedly injected her 9-year-old daughter with urine with a hypodermic needle.

It all started with endless amounts of sympathy, support — and money — pouring in because the child was born with some kind of birth defect, causing the child to spend more time in the hospital than not. The mother allegedly enjoyed the accolades so much that she made her child sicker by giving the child urine intravenously.

The mom, whose name cannot be released for legal reasons, was exposed this past March when medical professionals became suspicious of yeast and fungus growing in a supposedly sterile IV line. When her purse was searched, yielding urine samples, laxatives, and syringes. This was all the evidence needed in what is one of the weirdest child abuse cases ever discovered.

Since being taken away from her mother, the child’s condition is improving.

From Jezebel:

Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy is being suggested as possible reason for the blogger’s actions, according to 7.30. In April, a Kentucky mommy blogger named Lacey Spears was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison for poisoning her 5-year-old son. Spears had administered salt into her child’s feeding tube which caused his death. She was believed to have suffered from Postpartum Depression and Munchausen Syndrome by proxy, though Spears’s lawyers did not use the syndrome as defense in her trial.

Featured image via The Clinical Psychologist’s Bookshelf

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