A Christian pastor recorded a tantrum in front of a Tennessee Target last week, berating the store’s manager for letting transgender customers use whichever restroom corresponds to their gender identity.
The Tennessean reports that Greg Locke, pastor of the Global Vision Bible Church, published a video on Facebook that has received over 14 million views, chiding Target’s new bathroom policy which he claims opens the door to “perverts and pedophiles.”
“Your political correctness has caused you to do something extraordinarily stupid,… because you’re not targeting and being inclusive to transgender people by doing this,” Locke said. “They make up 0.3 percent of the population. What you are targeting are perverts, pedophiles, people who are going to hurt our children.”
“Before I was saved by the grace of God, I used to smoke a lot of dope and I’ve never been that stupid.”
Target announced last week that customers will be able to decide bathrooms and fitting rooms that correspond with their gender identity.
Locke gained notoriety for releasing a viral video discussing his opinions on Wilson County students who were being “indoctrinated with Islam” through its curriculum, which is wildly disputed by district officials.
Known as the “pervert-hunter,” Locke was embroiled in another controversy less than two years ago where he hired a youth pastor, who was later arrested on multiple accounts of raping a 13-year-old girl from youth group at his previous church in North Carolina.
From Patheos:
[W]hat Pastor Locke doesn’t tell viewers is that he knows a thing or two about perverts preying on kids. Less than two years ago, Locke hired a 34 year-old youth pastor who was later arrested on multiple accounts of raping a 13 year old girl from youth group at his previous church in North Carolina.
Video via Facebook: