The Dorchester District 2 School Board in South Carolina voted this Wednesday to move all schools to seven days of online learning after Labor Day after 20 percent of the student body tested positive for Covid, WCSC-TV reports. The move was met with anger from some parents, including an elected school board member who walked out of a meeting in protest.
As The Friendly Atheist points out, Barbara Crosby, who called for an end to Covid restrictions at a Trump rally back in November, walked out of the meeting in protest because she was unable to vote for in-person learning, which was not included in the options on the agenda.
Speaking to WCSC-TV, Crosby said that while she doesn’t want to see any students become severely ill or die, “that’s up to God.”
When WCSC-TV anchor Raphael James asked her to clarify her comments, she replied, “God decides who lives or dies, right?”
Watch her interview below: