Conspiracy Theories

QAnon conspiracy promoter says ‘vigilante justice’ will begin if ‘mass arrests’ don’t happen soon

There’s trouble afoot in the whackjob conspiracy movement known as “QAnon.” According to comments from one of its most prominent promoters, the wild predictions coming out of the movement aren’t coming true, and it has her and other adherents somewhat confused.

Liz Crokin is one of the craziest pro-Trump voices on the internet, but even she couldn’t help but mention that things don’t seem to be adding up. As Right Wing Watch points out, last week she posted a video to her YouTube channel where she said that if the long-promised arrests of Satanic pedophiles don’t happen before 2019 is over, she may have to disavow the movement.

Just a refresher: QAnonists believe that Robert Mueller’s investigation of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is actually just cover for a secret plan orchestrated by Trump to take down a ring of Satanic pedophiles who are opposed to Trump. The conspiracy is largely incoherent and its adherents are always moving the goal posts, but that’s the general framework of it.

The arrests aren’t materializing, and some QAnonists, including Crokin, are losing faith.

During an appearance on The SGT Report, Crokin pleaded with the conspiracy’s anonymous figurehead known as “Q” to produce just one arrest to reassure followers that the plans are in motion.

“[The arrests] need to happen this year,” she said in a video flagged by Right Wing Watch. “If they don’t happen before 2020, President Trump is going to lose support. He promised that he would take Hillary Clinton down. He said that he would assign a special prosecutor to investigate her crimes. We haven’t forgotten.”

“We want to see justice for real criminals,” she continued. “We know these people are torturing children, they’re raping kids, they’re ripping their body parts apart, they’re selling the organs on the black market. They are doing to most horrific crimes against humanity on children and it’s unacceptable and President Trump needs to make sure that his DOJ goes after the real criminals.”

Crokin went on to say that if the arrests don’t happen before 2020, people will get “fed up” and possibly even resort to violence.

“This has dragged on for too long,” she said. “We need to start seeing arrests of the real criminals and I just pray to God that they happen really soon because if they don’t, I think that so much is coming out about the sex trafficking, what they do to kids … We are going to start seeing vigilante justice and that could get really dangerous and that could cause a civil war in this country.”

Back here in the real world, it’ll be fun to see how Crokin and her followers handle their impending disappointment. 

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

Featured image via screen grab

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