
Rachel Maddow schools Santorum on gay marriage: ‘Your civics are fundamentally wrong’

Sitting down Wednesday night with former Senator Rick Santorum, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow peppered him with questions about his views on same sex marriage and the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the matter.

Sitting down Wednesday night with former Senator Rick Santorum, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow peppered him with questions about his views on same sex marriage and the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the matter.

Maddow challenged Santorum’s suggestion that the Supreme Court is “not a superior branch of government” along with his claim that Congress can still pass a law regarding same-sex marriage in spite of the SCOTUS ruling.

“You’re fundamentally wrong on civics,” Maddow asserted. “If there is a question as to the constitutionality of a law, it gets adjudicated. And the second syllable in that word means it gets decided in the judiciary. The Supreme Court decides whether or not a law is constitutional. So you could not now pass a law that said, ‘We’re banning same-sex marriage.'”

Santorum stood by his belief that Congress could still pass a law prompting the Supreme Court to reconsider.

Maddow then changed the subject, asking Santorum if he thought being gay was a “choice.”

“There are people who are alive today who identify themselves as gay and lesbian and who no longer are,” he replied.

Watch the entire exchange in the video below via MSNBC:

h/t Talking Points Memo, featured image via screen grab 



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