
Right wing ‘journalist’ Chuck C. Johnson solves Amtrak disaster (Hint: someone is gay)

Johnson’s latest bit if charlatanry starts out by him claiming that he and his website, Gotnews.com was the first to ID Brandon Bostain, the engineer of the Amtrak train that tragically crashed in Philadelphia this week, killing at least 8 people.

Sometimes when I look at the work of far-right wing “journalist” Chuck C. Johnson, I think that it all might be some brilliant Andy Kaufman-esque satire bit. But until that bombshell is unearthed, we’ll have to deal with him for what he is — a bizarre bottom-feeding mutant who’s only worth talking about because he’s so easy to provoke.

Johnson’s latest bit if charlatanry starts out with his claim that he and his website, Gotnews.com was the first to ID Brandon Bostain, the engineer of the Amtrak train that tragically crashed in Philadelphia this week, killing at least 8 people. Johnson thinks he’s unearthed a deeper side to the speculation about Bostain’s incompetence. You see, Bostain is gay – and he posted pictures of his genitals on social media accounts, which Johnson painstakingly searched and “exposed.”

So what about those reports that the train accelerated from 70 mph to just over 100mph? You can stop speculating. Why? Gayness.

“After a careful study of his social media we conclude that he is an exhibitionist who is interested in odd sex acts,” Johnson writes.

We’ve thankfully blocked out the actual dicks because we’re a family friendly website (sort of),”he continues.

“We’re publishing these photos because we believe the public has a right to know and because we think it’s important to always focus on the who of a story rather than whatever policy outcome.”

The best thing about this mangled attempt at relevancy is the less-than-enthusiastic response Chuck is getting.

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