The Trump Cult

Roger Stone: A ‘satanic portal’ opened up above the White House after Biden became president (He’s dead serious)

During an appearance on the Elijah Streams livestream — a show that hosts some of the most whacked-out conspiracy theorists and “prophets” in the pro-Trump evangelical world — longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone tried to join that group of psychopaths, claiming that he has photographic evidence of a “satanic portal” that has opened over the White House after Joe Biden took office.

As Right Wing Watch points out, Stone claims to have become a Christian and now understands the importance of waging “spiritual warfare” through prayer.

“We who believe, we can close the portal, but we can only close it through prayer,” Stone said. “Massive prayer, millions of Christians praying to close the portal.”

“It’s like a swirling cauldron,” Stone said of the portal. “I’ve tried to find some natural explanation: a reflection or an aerostat balloon for weather. No. I sent a personal friend down there—he thought I was crazy—I said, ‘Do me a favor, go down there, use a regular digital camera and see what you see.’”

As the image was displayed, Stone declared, “There you can see it.”

“It’s very, very clear. It doesn’t move, day or night. It’s harder to see during the day, but you see it at night. And I’m absolutely convinced about the inherent evil of what’s going on in the White House, what’s going on in the country, and I think it’s imperative that people know about this, that people of good faith and Christians know about this, and we begin a national, essentially a prayer assault to close the portal.”

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