
Sanders campaign thinks staffer who peeked at Clinton data was a DNC plant

An adviser to Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders campaign has raised eyebrows with comments in an interview with Yahoo Politics. According to the adviser, the data breach that resulted in the campaign losing access to the DNC servers may have been caused by someone employed by the Sanders campaign — a plant sent from the DNC itself.

An adviser to Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders campaign has raised eyebrows with comments in an interview with Yahoo Politics. According to the adviser, the data breach that resulted in the campaign losing access to the DNC servers may have been caused by someone employed by the Sanders campaign — a plant sent from the DNC itself.

After Sanders staffers were blocked from accessing some of their own voter data after it came to light that proprietary Clinton campaign information was being viewed, the Sanders campaign reacted quickly. They immediately apologized and fired the now alleged “hacker,” national data director, Josh Uretsky.

An anonymous adviser to the Sanders campaign is suggesting that Uretsky is a plant, not only on the behalf of the DNC, but by the technology company that hosts the data.

“It’s not as if we conjured this guy Josh from thin air. This is an individual … who was recommended to us by the DNC and NGP VAN.”

According to the adviser, Uretsky came highly recommended.

“Andrew Brown spoke to us and gave him a positive review, as did this guy Bryan Whitaker.”

His references included the DNC’s National Data Director Andrew Brown, who is closely involved with the shared voter file program, and Bryan Whitaker, who was the COO of technology group NGP VAN at the time. Whitaker no longer works for the company and has taken a similar position with a different group. 

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders often accuse the DNC of blatantly favoring Clinton, as she is the establishment favorite. It has been noted that Democratic debates have been held on weekend evenings during general dips in viewership. It has been claimed that this is an attempt to limit the public’s knowledge of Bernie Sanders as much as possible.

The campaign has called for a full investigation of the data breach.

[Raw Story] Featured image via Flickr




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