Sarah Palin’s NRA Speech: Politicians Exploiting Tragedy, Hollywood Promoting ‘Gun Grabs’ (VIDEO)

Speaking at the National Rifle Association’s convention this Friday, Sarah Palin claimed that President Obama “writes the book on exploiting tragedy” in regards to recent mass shootings in order to limit the freedoms of law-abiding people.

Lamenting the “poodle-skirted cheerleader” media, Palin attacked Obama for making grieving parents “backdrops in his perpetual campaign-style press events.” She went on to say that politicians practice the “politics of emotion” in regards to their response to tragic events.

As the speech progressed, Palin transitioned into an awkward and seemingly unfocused rant against New York’s mayor Michael Bloomberg and his tobacco initiative, pulling out what looked to be a container of chewing tobacco proclaiming, “Don’t make me do it!”

With clear religious undertones and showing a complete disregard for church-state separation, Palin said that “freedom will destroy itself if it is not exercised within some sort of moral framework, some body of shared beliefs, some spiritual heritage that is transmitted through the church, the family, the school.”

Watch Palin’s NRA convention speech in the video below.

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