This Friday, InfoWars host and nutbag conspiracy theorist Alex Jones took to the streets of Seattle to run around and harass pedestrians and rant about the media’s coverage of the terror attack in Barcelona on Thursday. At one point, Jones confronted a pedestrian who proceeded to throw a thermos full of what was allegedly hot coffee all over him.
“See that? That’s who they are!” Jones exclaimed while dripping wet. “This is the brainwashing.”
The incident looked slightly suspicious, which wouldn’t be surprising considering Jones’s mission to portray the left as a violent mob. Either way, Jones posted the video to Twitter, saying that he was attacked with “scalding coffee in Tolerant Seattle.”
Vicious Leftists Attack Alex Jones with scalding coffee in Tolerant Seattle! See the video..
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) August 18, 2017
Possibly sensing a ruse as well, BuzzFeed’s Dominic Holden tweeted to the Seattle Police Department to ask if there had been any reports of an incident involving Jones. The Seattle PD’s response was perfect.
We haven't received any official reports. As far as we know that could be an actor playing Alex Jones.
— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) August 18, 2017
Jones has a well-known and despicable history of accusing people involved in tragic events as “actors.” Most disgustingly, he claimed children and parents traumatized by the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012 were “crisis actors.” Most recently, he tried to dismiss white supremacists who showed up the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville as “Jewish actors.”
Ruse or not, the Seattle PD’s level-1o troll job was praised on Twitter:
A+ trolling Seattle PD.
— Steve Ronan (@stepheneronan) August 18, 2017
— memores acti (@prudentesfuturi) August 18, 2017
— Bethania Palma (@bethaniapalma) August 18, 2017
He's always an actor playing Alex Jones. Didn't he claim to be a "performance artist" in his child custody trial?
— StandUp2Fascism (@StandUp2Fascism) August 18, 2017