
She voted for Trump, now her daughter-in-law has been deported to Mexico

A Missouri woman who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election now says she’s “ashamed to be an American” after her daughter-in-law was recently deported.

Speaking to the Associated Press this week, Shirley Stegall said that she expected Trump to deport only criminals, not her son’s wife, Letty.

“I’ve always been proud to be an American,” Stegall said. “But now I’m ashamed.”

Letty Stegall came to the U.S. illegally in 1999 and was living with her husband and her 17-year-old daughter from a past marriage. In February, Letty was arrested by ICE, six years after she was convicted on a misdemeanor drunk driving charge — a record that apparently put her on ICE’s radar.

According to the AP, she won a stay of deportation four days after her arrest, but ICE already had her on a flight to Brownsville, Texas, where she was told to cross back over to Mexico by foot. She could be barred from entering the U.S. for up to 10 years, although her marriage to a U.S. citizen could allow her to return in 2 years.

In an appearance on CNN this Wednesday, Shirley Stegall was asked by anchor Don Lemon if she still supports President Trump in light of Letty’s deportation.

“Absolutely not,” she replied. “No way.”

“What do you want to say to him and his supporters?” Lemon asked.

“They need to have an open mind and think if this happened to one of their family members, what it would be to go through what we’re going through,” she replied.

“And one comment I would like to really say is our Pledge of Allegiance, at the end of it, says ‘for liberty and justice for all.’ It doesn’t say liberty and justice for you, for me, for our neighbors — it says for all, and I feel we have not had justice.”

Watch the segment below, via Don Lemon CNN:

Trump voter regrets supporting the President after daughter-in-law was deported

"I feel like I betrayed my daughter-in-law." Woman says she regrets voting for Donald J. Trump after her daughter-in-law was deported to Mexico

Posted by Don Lemon CNN on Wednesday, July 25, 2018

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