
Shocking new police brutality video emerges from Detroit

deadstate floyd dent

Michigan State Police suspected Floyd Dent of purchasing drugs, so they trailed his car and pulled him over. What happened next was possibly the most “preposterous case of police brutality in modern American history” according to Shawn King of the Daily Kos.

Michigan State Police suspected 57 year-old Floyd Dent of purchasing drugs, so they trailed his car and pulled him over. What happened next was possibly the most “preposterous case of police brutality in modern American history” according to Shawn King of the Daily Kos.

Yanked from his car and put into a brutal, illegal choke hold, officers begin to repeatedly punch Floyd in the face, nearly knocking him unconscious. Another officer comes up and shocks Floyd three separate times with his Taser – putting him at great risk of death. In all, ten officers, all of them white, made contact with Floyd during this ordeal.

While in the hospital, Floyd was forced to take drug tests, which all came back negative for drugs.

They eventually charged him with not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. Floyd even disputes this charge. One of the officers, as you will see in the video, was previously cited by the government for falsely planting evidence.

Watch the video below:

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  1. Jeb

    March 26, 2015 at 3:45 am

    The Nazi Gestapo is alive and well in this country in the name of law and order. That was Hitler’s excuse as well. This bullshit has to stop! I am white and I am outraged. All of the officers involved in this incident should be fired, tried, convicted, and jailed!

    • Sharon

      March 26, 2015 at 9:35 am

      America… Love it or leave it.That’s peoples idea of democracy? I am pure white as Anglo-Saxon as you can get. The hatred that I felt as an immigrant was unbelievable!My teacher told the students not to have anything to do with me.I was a filthy ignorant immigrant. I was 10.
      The state of IN. HAS JUST PASSED a Discrimination Law! It is now LEGAL to discriminate
      against All Peoples! LGBT ,JEWS,NON-CHRISTIANS.BLACKS! ALL in the name of religion?This country was NOT FOUNDED ON RELIGION!

  2. Hans

    March 26, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    I am Canadian, white male and am sickened by the police state emerging to the south of us. I am afraid to visit this country, not because of crime but of the caliber of policing there.

  3. R K

    March 26, 2015 at 2:46 pm

    You should be ashamed.

    This article is very poorly written, and terrible journalism.
    I thought the officers involved in this beating were from the Inkster Police department? Some of the local articles I read said there were Michigan State Police officers who responded to this incident, but said nothing about them being involved in the beating or possible planting of evidence.
    The article makes it seem like the MSP did this, and it never even mentions Inkster Police. I would suggest local articles may be more accurate.
    I would be very surprised if MSP are implicated in this incident. They are not perfect, but are mainly highly respected in these parts.

  4. Gary Harms

    March 26, 2015 at 5:00 pm

    This country has a festering problem of militant police force and brutality that even in the lens of a camera proudly displays it’s brute force as though it were something to show off rather than be ashamed of. I am disgusted with this country’s police force in general. In the last twenty years they have displayed a militarization in weaponry and mentality that is contrary to what community police work what was meant to be. The courts need to bear down hard on police in order to bring sanity back to the infected minds of officers today.

  5. Guytano Parks

    March 27, 2015 at 10:21 pm

    New Video Allegedly Shows Cop Planting Drug Evidence After Beating Unarmed Man
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    The police officer caught on tape brutally beating an unarmed Michigan man goes by the name “Robocop.” He’s been sued “at least four times for excessive use of force, cost the city more than $1 million in legal settlements and received more citizen complaints than any other in the city,” according to an LA Times 2003 report. One million-dollar payout was over the fatal shooting of an unarmed man during a traffic stop in 1996. And he faced federal corruption charges but was later acquitted for a three-year corruption campaign that included false accusations of drug possession very similar to those against Floyd Dent.
    In a tape released this week, William “Robocop” Melendez, is captured on video dragging an unarmed Dent out of his car, pinning him to the ground in a chokehold, and, along with several other cops, striking him and Tasing him repeatedly as he lay bloody.
    Thus far, Melendez has managed to retain a job as a police officer in Michigan. But not without many pockmarks on his record that call into question charges against those like Dent, the victim of the most recent beating. Officers said they first pulled Dent over in Inkster, Michigan, in January for not making a complete stop in an area “known to have drug activity.” He was then charged with resisting arrest, assault, and possession of cocaine after officers dragged him out of the car and say they found a bag of cocaine. And while the charges for resisting arrest and assault were summarily thrown out after the judge saw the video, Dent is still facing the drug possession charge.
    Dent, who has worked at Ford for 37 years and has no criminal history, says the bag of crack cocaine officers was planted on him. A new video released Thursday morning appears to even show Melendez pulling a plastic bag out of his pocket during the incident, although it’s difficult to discern.
    And Melendez has been accused of of planting false evidence on suspects and falsifying evidence many times before, including by federal prosecutors in a major 2003 indictment. At the time of the indictment against Melendez and 16 other Detroit police officers in 2003, federal prosecutors found that drug and weapons charges against individuals who sat in jail for months were exaggerated or falsified. They found that Melendez led the ring of 17 officers in engaging in corrupt policing that included planting guns and crack cocaine on suspects. In one alleged incident, Melendez and his fellow officers were found to have illegally arrested Victoria Tillmon outside her home after falsely claiming that she dropped a vial of crack-cocaine. In another, prosecutors said Melendez and others unlawfully entered a couple’s home after false reports that they were found on the street carrying crack cocaine. Melendez was even charged with possession of a stolen firearm and carrying a firearm during a crime of violence.

    Coverage of the federal indictment against Melendez in 2003.
    Melendez and his fellow officers were never convicted on the federal corruption charges, however. Jurors who spoke to the Detroit News said their reason for acquitting the officers was that they didn’t believe the government witnesses because they had criminal records of their own, and thus retained reasonable doubt about whether the cops were guilty. They conceded that officers likely made mistakes, but that they didn’t warrant a criminal conviction. “We thought they were police officers doing their jobs,” one juror told the Detroit News. Melendez, who had been suspended while the trial was ongoing, called the verdict a “great day for law enforcement.”


    March 29, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    I normally try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt in incidents like this until investigations can be done, but in this case it truly looks like the cops were out of line. It seems that the police brutality has become more of an issue and we need to stop it before more people need to die!

  7. birdowg

    April 1, 2015 at 6:45 pm

    wow…..He’s lucky to be alive….Those cops need to be fired!

  8. Pingback: Police Brutality is not Going Away Anytime Soon

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