Sexual Misconduct

Singer who wore MAGA dress to the Grammys says Corey Lewandowski sexually assaulted her

One of Trump’s most outspoken celebrity supporters was sexually assaulted by his then-campaign manager.

President Trump’s former campaign manager is being accused of repeatedly smacking the behind of a well-known celebrity Trump supporter, according to a new report from POLITICO.

Singer Joy Villa made headlines when she wore a dress emblazoned with the Trump campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” while attending the Grammy Awards this past February. According to her, Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski smacked her behind more than once during a party at Trump International Hotel while the two posed for a photo together.

“I’m wearing this silver suit and stretchy pants, and after the photo, he smacks my ass really hard,” Villa said. “It was completely demeaning and shocking.”

When Villa warned Lewandowski to stop, he did it again.

“He said, ‘Go ahead, I work in the private sector,'” Villa recalled, according to POLITICO. “Then he smacks my ass again.”

Lewandowski did not respond to multiple calls, emails and texts requesting a comment. POLITICO first reached out to Lewandowski Friday afternoon, and outlined for him the allegations made by Villa in the story. POLITICO also reached out to colleagues of Lewandowski’s and White House officials to explain the story and give Lewandowski an opportunity to respond.

Lewandowski, who served as Trump’s original campaign manager, was fired ahead of the Republican National Convention in 2016, amid concerns from party leaders, donors and Trump’s own family members about a barebones campaign being led by someone with no experience managing a presidential race.

The allegations come at a time when Lewandowski seems to be maneuvering his way back into Trump’s inner circle, with reports saying he could find a place as a White House staffer next year.

When the incident was over, Villas says that “Corey laughed in my face and ran away … It felt like it was all a big joke to him.”

“It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever experienced,” she continued. “It was shocking and gross. … It was like my bubble burst. It’s how every woman feels when she is sexually harassed.”

This isn’t the first time Lewandowski has been accused of being physically aggressive with a woman. At the peak of the 2016 campaign  he was charged by police with misdemeanor battery for allegedly grabbing a reporter in Florida.

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