President Trump's approval rating has sunk to a historic low, with almost half of Americans thinking the country is weaker since he's...
Luna, a 1-year-old German Shepard, had been missing for five weeks after falling off a fishing boat in the Pacific Ocean, when...
South Carolina governor Nikki Haley not only criticized Donald Trump on ABC's This Week, but bluntly questioned Chris Christie's endorsement of the...
A new poll has revealed that most Americans now believe that government officials should be required to issue marriage licenses to gay...
According to Donald Trump, Obama has really screwed things up for any potential future black presidents.
On his first day in Ethiopia, President Obama turned heads with his direct condemnation of Mike Huckabee’s recent remarks, saying the President...
George W. Bush has found a great way to subsidize his post-presidency painting passion by making quite a killing on the speech-making...
The Baltimore protester who was accosted by his mom when she caught him with rioters got to tell his side of the...
According to Indiana governor Mike Pence, the “religious freedom” bill that he signed into law is the victim of a huge “misunderstanding”...
The 8-minute video shows a group of indigenous people never seen before by the outside world. They were apparently fleeing illegal loggers...